Welcome to Mandzak Chiropractic Health Centre
We are pleased to offer excellence in chiropractic treatment, registered massage therapy and naturopathic care in Whitby, Ontario. Our team consists of Dr. Tim Mandzak, Chiropractor, Nichola Baburam and Natalie Arpin, Registered Massage Therapists. Dr. Amy Henehan Naturopath and Acupuncture provider, and our wonderful receptionist AnnMarie Brown.

Chiropractic Care

An adjustment is a highly skilled and precise movement usually applied by hand to a joint of the body. Adjustment loosens the joint to restore proper movement and optimize function.
Massage Therapy

Massage is best known for reducing stress and muscle tension. Not only does it feel wonderful but it can assist in controlling hypertension, decreasing tension headaches, improving blood circulation, digestive problems and sleeping patterns.
Naturopathic Care

Naturopathic doctors treat using a combination of scientifically-validated and traditional medicines. We are trained in clinical nutrition, botanical medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture and counselling.